Goldview is a great tool which displays detailed structure information for schema objects of an Oracle database. Goldview is a perfect tool for those developers who want detailed schema information but do not like to write long data dictionary queries. Using Goldview, users can view information on tables, views, triggers, indexes, synonyms, sequences, types and code modules in just few clicks. Goldview displays structure, keys, constraints, stored code, triggers, indexes, sample data etc., related to the schema objects. Goldview displays information in the spreadsheet view and allows users to print the structure information. The result area of Goldview allows you with all standard options like cut, copy, paste, resize and find. One of the coolest features of Goldview is that it stores data in clipboard as a standard spreadsheet format which then can be pasted directly into Excel or other spreadsheets.
Goldview is simple in design and very user-friendly. It provides users with Object Tree which contains list of database objects and users can select these objects to request detailed information. Goldview allows user to perform sorting in table/view structure and data sample displays. It also allows user to view DDL scripts to recreate schema objects. Goldview is a read only program which allows users to browse schema information safely without any fear of accidental damages. This easy to use tool is free to try.